Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Great Site for Books

Before I buy a book, I look at the best seller lists, the reviews from NYTimes & WashPost and look for additional reviews.   I also read the first chapter which I have sent to my Kindle and then if I like it, I purchase it.  But there are three other sites that you might be interested in looking at (and I would love to hear about yours in a comment) that I have added to my list in the last year:

1 comment:

  1. I am a teacher and an author of eight books. My latest book, One Stone Left Unturned, is an historical fiction, taking place during the Russian Revolution. It is available on Kindle. I think it would be perfect for use in the classroom. I would be happy to send you a copy, if you would like to read it.

    Marianna Heusler
