Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Take My Technology Integration Course

I will be teaching the fifth version of my technology integration course with Fairfax County Public Schools this fall.  We will learn about such items as webquests, pacing your students individually using technology, flipping the classroom, using electronic textbooks, collaborating online and lots more in a ten week course.  You can get more details here on page 43.  To sign up go to MyPLT (if you need help go to page 76) and put either the title or just a few words from the title or even e-mail me and I can add you to the class.

The class will be on Thursdays from 4:30 to 7ish at Woodson.  It is free to FCPS employees, but if you live in the areas and are not in FCPS you can take it, but you have to pay for it (page 9).  The class fills up quickly in the fall, so if you are interested I would sign up sooner rather than later.  If you have questions, please e-mail me at 

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