Sunday, December 15, 2019

Muslim Detention Camps in China: Resources

Here are resources for teaching about the Muslims camps in China.

Vox offers a good 9-minute overview of the camps below.  Facing History has a lesson in which students read personal accounts of Uighurs in the internment camps in Xinjiang Province.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists published a leak of highly classified Chinese government documents from the camps.   And the New York Times published a terrific story highlighting the important takeaways from the documents.

Here's an awesome comic book from Note about "missing" Uighur woman (thanks to Jeremy Green for posting the link). The Washington Post has a story about her (Mihrigul Tursunand the comic book called "Japanese manga about a Uighur woman’s persecution in China becomes viral hit." In addition,  you can read her testimony before Congress in November and see a short video of her testimony.  She did another interview with Radio Freee Asia here.

Another testimonial from the camps comes from Ferkat Jawdat,  a Uighur who is an American citizen and lives in Virginia. His mother is in a detention camp in Xinjiang. He appeared on the Micahel Barbaro show on December 9th. You can listen to it here.

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