Thursday, April 15, 2010

Review Sites
Here is everything you need to review for the AP or end of the year state exams. Please leave a message if you find other sites (Links are fiexed).

Outlines & Textbooks
AP Outline
Textbook - this is for early civ to Renaissance. It has a great search engine and is broken up nicely by topic. More on this in a later blog.

Quizzes - All of them have answers except the Regents one.
AP World Quizzes for each unit (and answers)
Bubbabrain - makes games out of questions
Cenage - broken up by topic
Course Notes - these are essay questions that would be help for the kids to do - possibly in groups
Glencoe Quizzes (third item down on the list)
Global Studies' Quizzes (lots and lots of them)
Interactive Map Review (questions are asked and the student has to locate the place on a map)
Map Quizzes - Early Civilization to the Renaissance
McDougal Littell - select your state and level of students, find your text and then you will be able to get the questions.
Regents Exam - lots of questions -but no answers
School District Made - geared for the VA end of the year tests, but lots of questions by topic
School District Made - again geared for the VA end of the year tests
SparkNotes - this has notes, 45 question review quizzes for each section, detailed outlines, analysis, test questions, summaries.
Teacher Made - Early Civilizations - Renaissance
Teacher Made - Renaissance - Modern
World Civilizations (AP text) - select a chapter and the questions will be on the left.

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