Friday, March 16, 2012

Educational Video Search Engine

When I interview respective candidates for our department, not surprisingly I do it with my laptop a buzzing.  Last year we had the pleasure of adding Jeannine Cotner to our staff.  I must say that she was the first person who interviewed with us who gave me more sites in the interview than I could keep up with. She has continued that this year flinging the department lists of great sites every other week.  One of them is WatchKnowLearn which is an educational database and an aggregator of educational videos from other sites. For example, here is the list of ones on the Byzantine Empire

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic site for all teachers. I just learned about it a couple of months ago and I love the breadth of content.

    On a smaller scale, an email I got from says they are doing a live webcast directly from Ellis Island on March 29 at 1 p.m. EDT. It is supposed to last about a half hour. for info.
