Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Stone Age: Great Review Clip

Here's teacher Tom Richey reviewing the Stone Age. It's only eleven minutes and would be great for students. I put it on my Pinterest board for prehistory and it got a lot of repins.


Landry Morton said...

Landry Morton. Something i took away from this video is that most of cave art was created in the Paleolithic, or "old stone age". Another thing i took away from this video is the domestication of dogs and canoes happened around 10,000 BC. In this video we learned about the different time periods in the stone age. There is the Paleolithic, "old stone age", Mesolithic, "middle stone age", and Neolithic, "new stone age". i still do not know why this time period is called the stone age and why it is broken up unto three different time periods.

Harrison Church said...

Harrison Church -I gathered from this video that life was very difficult compared to life today. In the Paleolithic period of the stone age. Art was based mainly around animals domesticated and wild. Also how intricate their paintings where with the little materials that they had. Also how civilizations depended on birth to survive. how in the middle stone age people began to do more advanced forms of hunting. An example of this is fishing.Then people evolved even more form hunting and fishing to domestication and farming of animals and plants. Later evolving into what we are today as a society. what I don't understand is that what key events and groups of people influenced the further development of society.

Emily Callahan said...
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Unknown said...

Aaron Johnson-I learned that the hunter gatherer lifestyle meant that you were constantly on the move and looking for new food. Life today is much more sedentary and easy because we ca by food at the supermarket. Evan people who use a garden and do not buy food still have it a lot easier than the hunter gatherers. Societies today are much more complex than those in the stone age because we have support systems for the less fortunate and we have a system for laws and rules.

Unknown said...

From this video I learned about the Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Paleolithic time periods. Something I found interesting was the "paleo" diet actually originated from the Paleolithic time period. The diet is similar to foods that humans consumed around that time. I also found the start of domestication interesting which occurred in the Mesolithic period. One thing I still don't understand is how the time periods were determined.

Gina Martin said...

Gina Martin. This video gave a brief overview of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic time periods. One thing I took away from this video was that people started domesticating dogs in the mesolithic time period. Another thing I learned washtub in the Neolithic time period is when people started growing agriculture and settling down in communities so they didn't have to be hunter and gatherers. Something I found interesting is that they used to create the venus figurines even though people aren't certain why exactly they made them.

Unknown said...

Meghan Ealley. This video was about the three different time periods of the stone age and how each period was a step towards civilization. From this video I took away a few things about the stone age including the three different eras and progression toward civilization. Paleolithic, or "the old stone age" is the first time period in which human society are still just hunter-gatherers and fighting for survival. Mesolithic is the middle era where humans are still hunter-gatherers, but he domestication of dogs has been created. Then lastly, the Neolithic era, the newest era where agriculture, communities, and domestication of livestock have all been established. A question I still have is what caused us to go from hunter-gatherers to agricultural communities.

Karsen Cass said...

Karsen Cass- This video gave a summary of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic time periods. It shows how people have evolved from beings who only cared about finding food and reproducing, to people who paved the way for civilization. Once in the Neolithic period, agriculture began and civilizations started appearing. The people could then stay in one place and farm their food instead of moving from place to place. This made time for other things like writing, art, and the specializing of jobs.

Unknown said...

Dan Freeman- The video outlined the major steps in early humans toward civilization. The video described the 3 eras of the stone, the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic. Each era was characterized by changes in technology and lifestyle for early humans. From this video I learned that art is more of a natural concept than a cultural one. As humans had developed art long before civilization. I also took away that a civilization is more than just being settled with a steady food supply. One question I have is if the Neolithic age agricultural settlements had developed a form of government?

Unknown said...

Jenna Sivret- This video was about the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic time periods which are all time periods of the stone age. I learned that the Paleolithic, which is also known as "the old stone age" was the first time period and lasted til about 10,000 B.C. Humans during this time were hunter-gatherers. The next period is known as the Mesolithic or "Middle Stone Age", still consisted of hunter-gatherers but this was the time of domestication of dogs. And the last period of the Stone Age is the Neolithic era. This was the time of domestication of livestock and humans created agriculture and settled communities. We get this information from Archeologists. I still do not understand why we had two eras of hunter-gatherers and then the third era was agriculture and communities and what made/influenced that change.

Olivia Griffith said...

Olivia Griffith- This video was about the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic which were three time periods in the stone age. The first time period is the Paleolithic which introduced Venus Figurines and hunting and gathering. The second time period is the Mesolithic which introduced the domestication of dogs which is the first time any animal has been domesticated but hunting and gathering is still around. The last time period is the Neolithic time period which introduced agriculture and the domestication of many more animals like cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs. A question I still have is what specifically influenced the changes and improvements in these societies over time?

Unknown said...

Hunter Hawkins. This video discussed the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and the Neolithic time periods while describing the origins of the names, time periods, and descriptions of the time period. I learned that in the Paleolithic time period, to survive was to hunt, and have a baby, and if you had only one of the two, you weren't surviving correctly. Another thing I learned is that Man's interaction with dogs originated all the way back in 10,000 BC, where the two benefited from each others strengths to hunt. Two questions I have is how early were towns being created in the Neolithic period, and why did people in the Paleolithic time period focus so much on paintings?

Claire Kaiser said...

Claire Kaiser. In this video I learned about the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic time periods. These three time periods are considered the Stone Age. The first thing I learned from this video was that the people from the Paleolithic and Mesolithic time periods were hunter-gatherers, they had not developed agriculture yet, but they did have some art forms, one of the art forms being cave paintings. The second thing I learned from this video was that the Neolithic time period was the time when agriculture started to develop, people were able to settle down in one area, instead of constantly searching for their food. I still do not know what caused the change from hunter-gathering to agriculture.

Unknown said...

Matthew McMillen. This video demonstrated and discussed the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic time periods. The first period which was the Paleolithic period that they hunted and gathered. They also created art in the form of cave paintings, and venus statues. The second time period in the Mesolithic time period was that agriculture was introduced, along with living in an area for a much longer time. In the third period of the Neolithic time period they had started livestock domestication and had worked with livestock more than any of the other two periods. The remaining question is how did they know to start implementing domestication of livestock and cattle, and how did that effect other hunter gatherers in the area?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Maggie Horshok. This video touches on the 3 stone eras, Paleolithic (old stone age), Mesolithic (middle stone age), and Neolithic. In the Paleolithic era, it was focused mostly on hunting and gathering skills. Also in the Mesolithic era, it was really the first time period that we started domesticating dogs and was also one of the first animals to be domesticated as well. And we finish it out with the Neolithic era, this is time of domestication of livestock and animals. This is also the first time humans started to specialize in agriculture and come together in communities. My remaining question is how did humans differentiate between the types of animals that could be domesticated and the animals that are more aggressive.

Unknown said...
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