Sunday, December 15, 2019

Impact of China's One Child Policy

I just finished an all-day PD with the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia. Eric Fish, the author of China's Millennials, discussed his book with us and shared two cool current essays about modern China.

One essay from the South China Morning Post discusses the consequences of the one-child law instituted in 1975. Another article looks at how the policy has skewed the sex ratio
And an essay from Time Magazine examines the threat posed by China's aging population. Both essays might be great for the modern unit. Students might analyze population graphs over time and figure out which policies might have affected the population trends.

Finally, filmmaker Wang Nanfu uncovers the untold history of China’s One-Child policy and the generations impacted in a documentary called "One Child Nation," which you can watch on Amazon Prime here. It won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance.

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