Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Covid 19 Teaching Resources

The World History Digital Education website has excellent resources for learning about COVID 19.

The site includes three modules:  one that compares COVID 19 to the Spanish flu of 1918, another that examines the geographic distribution of the pandemic through primary sources and population pyramids, and finally a module on the global economic impact of COVID 19 through maps and charts.

The material works well for distance learning.  Charts and graphs make up much of the material in the modules.  These are easy to copy and upload to any LMS platform so students can analyze them either in groups or together. The geographic distribution module, for example, introduces students to linear and log graphs and asks them to analyze them.
Another great resource is the New York Times.  They published a terrific "log" graph that compares the COVID 19 pandemic to other pandemics and asks students to draw conclusions.

In another New York Times lesson, students read an op-ed essay called "Dangerous Numbers? Teaching About Data and Statistics Using the Coronavirus Outbreak."  Students examine data to understand some of the limitations of published data about the CoronoVirus.

Finally, NPR published a short graphic novel about Corona Virus that younger students might enjoy.

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