Sunday, August 9, 2020

How To Teach with Images in an Online Class

Harvard Professor of American History, Jill Lepore, explains in this keynote address for the OER Project, how images might work especially well in the online classroom.

Professor Lepore argues that images are relatively easy to find and work well online and models how she might use images with her students.  

For example, a Richard Caton Woodville photograph from 1878 called "News from Mexico" allows her to frame the conversation with her students about the histories of technologies of communication. 
She also uses primary sources to show "how powerfully writing plays in the presentation of self."  The springboard for that discussion are images of Richard and Increase Mather.  Why are they portrayed with books?  Why are they dressed as they are?
What I particularly liked about Professor Lepore's keynote address was how she used images to construct a narrative that helps students understand key concepts or ideas.

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