Saturday, March 20, 2021

Nuremberg Virtual Museum

Here is a terrific virtual museum about the Nuremberg trials. The pilot site includes fantastic images of Hitler's henchmen and of the Nuremberg trials.  

The site also includes a page for image analysis and includes a link to the Library of Congress image analysis worksheet.

The site is called Courtroom 600 and plans a series of podcasts about the Nuremberg indictments.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this resource. I am currently in a teacher education program, and look forward to incorporate this virtual museum when I cover the Nuremberg trials in my world history classes in the future. I think that this topic is a great intersection between history and civics as it is a compelling story of how law is practiced at the international scale to serve justice. I would also suggest to any history teacher to watch the film Judgment at Nuremberg from the early sixties. It is a great film that explores the complexities of the Nuremberg trials and offers an ahead-of-its-time assessment of World War II.
